Héloise Brion, the founder of the website Miss Maggies Kitchen, gave us her testimony on the occasion of the 130 years of Opinel.

Can you introduce yourself in a few words?
I am a lover of the beautiful and genuine aspects of life and conviviality. Cooking is at the core of my life. I compose family-style seasonal recipes that are easy to follow. They can be found at www.missmaggieskitchen.com. I like to stage mealtimes so that eating becomes a memorable moment of sharing.
Can you introduce yourself in a few words?
I am a lover of the beautiful and genuine aspects of life and conviviality. Cooking is at the core of my life. I compose family-style seasonal recipes that are easy to follow. They can be found at www.missmaggieskitchen.com. I like to stage mealtimes so that eating becomes a memorable moment of sharing.
What is your first Opinel memory?
It is a childhood memory when I went for long walks with Augustin, my grandfather. He always carried an Opinel—tied to his trousers by a string—that he got out in order to share a piece of saucisson and goat’s cheese while enjoying the view from the top of the mountain.
Many think Opinel is synonymous with expertise and something to be passed on. What values does Opinel convey to you?
I completely agree with those values, to which I would add respect for mankind and nature.
If you could only choose one Opinel, which would it be?
It is hard to choose only one! But I would say the Nº08, as it is perfect for picnics in the forest, in a field or on the beach.
Opinel in three words?
Iconic, tradition, modernity.